People in any kind of leadership role have so little time,
Mr. Jaloway has 25 years experience solving people's hardest problems. Some of the issues he addresses for Catholic parishes, ministries, and businesses are: leadership development (to create clarity on who does what), strategic planning (figure out where your ship is going and how to get there), coaching for parish pastors (so they can spend less time managing and more time being a pastor) and managers (so they can do what the pastor shouldn't have to), DISC (how different people act), communication strategies (meeting rhythm and agendas), conflict resolution (because we're all human and disagree at times, and personal development (how to live a good life even working for the Church.)
Masters in Philosophy, Regina Apostolorum University, Rome, Italy
Master of International Relations, Texas A&M University
Minor in Theology, Regina Apostolorum, Rome, Italy
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