The Superintendent of Schools provides overall leadership, direction, and support to Catholic schools. The Superintendent is responsible for formulating, promulgating, and interpreting policies pertaining to the operation of Catholic Schools and overseeing compliance with those policies and ensures that students receive a well-rounded Catholic education rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
48 Catholic Schools in 7 counties in the Archdiocese
35 elementary schools
9 secondary schools
4 K-12 schools
1,498 teachers
1,129 Administrators and other school staff
8,731 elementary school families
5307 secondary school families
18,793 students from preschool to grade 12
Primary Duties and Responsibilities
Policy and Programs
Maintains overall responsibility for the programs and services administered by school team personnel.
Provides overall leadership, direction, and support to Catholic schools in collaboration with archdiocesan staff, pastors, and school leaders.
Is responsible for the formation, promulgation, and interpretation of policies pertaining to the operation of Catholic schools, and overseeing school/parish compliance with established policies.
Maintains responsibility for compliance with state, federal, and grant program regulations for programs and services to non-public schools.
Coordinates communication and public relations pertaining to system-wide initiatives, school programs/services, and pertinent issues/information.
Represents archdiocesan schools at local, state, and national levels when appropriate.
Prepares OCS budget and monitors expenses pertaining to programs, services, and professional development.
Works with OCS personnel to establish annual goals.
Provides leadership to OCS staff including supervision and evaluation, management and delegation of responsibility in the planning and implementation of programs.
Interviews and recommends personnel to be hired for OCS positions.
Establishes relationships, collaborates, and maintains communications with other archdiocesan staff who serve Catholic schools.
Specific Responsibilities
Participates in Agency Directors’ meetings
Plans and implements the followingmeetings:
Schools Consultative Council (SCC)
Elementary/Secondary Principals’ Meetings
Heads of High Schools’ Meetings
Priority Schools Meetings
High School Leadership Meetings
OCS Meetings
Disseminates school health, safety, and emergency planning information
Member of Catholic Conference of Kentucky (CCK) Education Committee
Member of Kentucky Non-Public Schools Commission (KyNPSC) and oversees accreditation process for Archdiocese of Louisville Catholic schools
Oversees Title I and Title III federal program implementation and supervises OCS staff who oversee Title II, Title IV, and IDEA federal program implementation
Coordinates SEVIS Non-Immigrant Student process
Position Qualifications and Competencies
Master’s Degree in Educational Administration
Experience in Catholic school administration
Establishes and communicates a vision for Catholic school education that is shared and supported by the faith and school communities
Creates, nurtures, and sustains a Catholic school culture conducive to faith formation, student learning, and professional growth
Effectively manages organizational structure, operations, and resources to create safe, efficient, and effective Catholic school learning environments
Collaborates with archdiocesan staff, school leaders, and faith communities to respond to diverse interests and needs by mobilizing community resources
Acts with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner consistent with Catholic social teaching
Understands, responds to, and influences the larger political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context to ensure quality Catholic school education