Original Job Posting
The Executive Director of the Ames Romero House (ARH) will embark on a pastoral mission for those on the margins in Ames, Iowa. The Executive Director role serves the organization by helping the live-ins, volunteers, and other contributors carry out their aims through a two-fold pastoral role of prayer and active administration nourished by a vibrant personal relationship with Jesus.
The person who seeks to fulfill these pastoral obligations must follow the Great Commandment in its proper order: first, to love the Trinitarian God with their whole heart, soul, mind, and strength; second, filled with that love, live out its ramifications to love their neighbor as self. Weekly mass attendance, a consistent and intentional prayer life, dedication to vocation (married or celibate), ongoing study of the faith, reception of spiritual counsel and direction, and participation in the Body through fellowship and charitable works are all indicators of this love-led life.
The commands—to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, welcome the stranger, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned— comprise the Corporal Works of Mercy that the Ames Romero House regularly embarks on in its mission. A final work, bury the dead, comes from the Old Testament and is something the ARH will also support.
In addition to these physical, material ways of delivering mercy, the Ames Romero House also seeks spiritual means of mercy: counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, admonish sinners, comfort the afflicted, forgive offenses, bear patiently those who do us ill, and pray for the living and the dead. These specific acts come to us through Catholic Social Teaching informed by their repeated and various instances in the New Testament.
The Executive Director is the public-facing figure of the Ames Romero House in partnership with the Board of Directors and the Managing Director, the primary internal-facing figure of the House. As such, the responsibilities of this role support the Ames Romero House mission to provide hospitality and live in solidarity with those experiencing poverty, material or spiritual.
Start date is August 15th, and salary is $45,000, full-time, and on-site with benefits.
Necessary Qualifications:
To apply online, please visit our website at amesromerohouse.org
To apply, send the following to [email protected] by July 22, 2024: